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Tu as deux textes :

Le premier :

(One of my first encounters with prejudice happened when I was too young to remember, but I've heard my mother tell the story. She and I were standing at a bus stop). It was a hot day and I was thirsty, so we walked up the block to a small diner, where she asked if she could have a cup of water for her son. The man said he could not help us and closed the door in our faces.

The Soul of a Butterfly, Muhammad Ali, 2004.

Le deuxième ( c'est un dialogue :discours direct )

Ali : "Mum. I'm thirsty."

His mother: "Could I have a cup of water for my son?"

The man: "Sorry, I can't help you."

On te demande de repérer dans le texte les phrases correspondant au dialoque.

• Quel verbe permet d'introduire la question :

"Could I have a cup of water for my son?" = "asked"

• Quel verbe permet d'introduire la phrase

"Sorry, I can't help you." = "said"

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