Website Statistics a trader sold an article for 660 at a profit of 20in order to make a profit of 30the article should be sold for

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Explications : To find out the selling price needed to make a 30% profit, let's first calculate the cost price of the article:


Selling price = $660

Profit percentage = 20%

Let's denote the cost price of the article as CP.

Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price

Profit = 20% of CP

We know,

Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price

20% of CP = $660 - CP

Now, let's solve for CP:

20/100 * CP = 660 - CP

0.20CP = 660 - CP

1.20CP = 660

CP = 660 / 1.20

CP = $550

So, the cost price of the article is $550.

Now, to make a profit of 30%, we need to find the selling price.

Profit percentage = 30%

Cost Price = $550

Let's denote the selling price needed as SP.

Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price

30% of CP = Selling Price - $550

Now, let's solve for SP:

30/100 * 550 = SP - 550

165 = SP - 550

SP = 165 + 550

SP = $715

Therefore, to make a profit of 30%, the article should be sold for $715.

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