Website Statistics Remplace le génitif par un déterminant possessif 1 Susans baby was born in 2010 Her 2 Josephs car is red This can is net 3 Liz and Patricks house is in Brighton

Remplace le génitif par un déterminant possessif. 1. Susan's baby was born in 2010. Her 2. Joseph's car is red. This can is net 3. Liz and Patrick's house is in Brighton. 4. Do you know Omar's friends? 5. Where are Kathy's parents?​

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Réponse :

1. Susan's baby was born in 2010.

Her baby was born in 2010.

her ( son/sa/ses : possesseur féminin )

2. Joseph's car is red.

His car is red.

his ( son/sa/ses : possesseur masculin )

3. Liz and Patrick's house is in Brighton.

Their house is in Brighton.

their : leur

4. Do you know Omar's friends?

Do you know his friends?

5. Where are Kathy's parents?​

Where are her parents?

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