Website Statistics 1 Travelling by plane is 2 Norway is 3 Rain in the wet season is 4 A holiday in Wellington is Les Comparatifs sunny fast travelling by train New Zealand heavy d

1. Travelling by plane is 2. Norway is 3. Rain in the wet season is 4. A holiday in Wellington is Les Comparatifs (sunny -) (fast +).............travelling by train. New Zealand. (heavy +) ........ during the rest of the year. (exciting =) a holiday in Auckland. 5. Bungalows are (expensive -) ........ hotels. 5. The north island of New Zealand is (populated +) the south island.​

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Les Comparatifs

1. Travelling by plane is faster than travelling by train. +

2. Norway is less sunny than New-Zealand. -

3. Rain in the wet season is heavier than during the rest of the year. +

4. A holiday in Wellington is as exciting as a holiday in Auckland. =

5. Bungalows are less expensive than hotels. -

6. The north island of New Zealand is more populated than the south island.​ +


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