Website Statistics F Complete the dialogue with the phrases aea who designed one of the stadiums in our city toob It will definitely stand outc where were going to see United play

F. Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-e.

a. who designed one of the stadiums in our city, too.

b. It will definitely stand out.

c. where we're going to see United play next Tuesday

d. that they're building in the city centre

e. which has got over 100 floor's
Nigel: hey , did you hear about the Rosehall?
Phil : what's that?
Nigel :the new hotel (1)
Phil:oh,yeah. I heard it's going to be huge
Nigel:yes, (2)
Phil:I think we have got enough skyscrapers in our city
Nigel: it's not really a skyscraper.
Phil:what do you mean?
Nigel:well, a skyscraper is a building (3)
Phil: Are you sure? I think a skyscraper is any very building in a city
Nigel :Really? Anyway, did you know that Jasper s is the architect?

Phil Cool. He's the man (4)

Nigel That's right. The stadium (5)

Phil I can't wait to see them play

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Réponse :

Nigel: hey , did you hear about the Rosehall?

Phil : what's that?Nigel :the new hotel (1) d. that they're building in the city centre

Phil:oh,yeah. I heard it's going to be huge

Nigel:yes, (2) b. It will definitely stand out.

Phil:I think we have got enough skyscrapers in our city 

Nigel: it's not really a skyscraper. 

Phil:what do you mean?

Nigel:well, a skyscraper is a building (3) e. which has got over 100 floor's

Phil: Are you sure? I think a skyscraper is any very building in a city

Nigel :Really? Anyway, did you know that Jasper s is the architect?

Phil Cool. He's the man (4) a. who designed one of the stadiums in our city, too.

Nigel That's right. The stadium (5) c. where we're going to see United play next Tuesday 

Phil I can't wait to see them play

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