Website Statistics Item 2 Jeremiah a S1 student has studied Chemistry for two months now his father is a senior researcher at Makerere University On visitation day Jeremiah and hi

Item 2. Jeremiah, a S.1 student has studied Chemistry for two months now, his father is a senior researcher at Makerere University. On visitation day Jeremiah and his father had a lengthy talk about science subjects offered in the school; their relevance in daily life and contributions to the Economy of Uganda Task Chemistry being one of those subjects, show how best Jeremiah would show his father that chemistry has contributed to the economic growth of the country.​

Répondre :

Bonjour ,voilà de l'aide .

PS : j'espère que ma réponse sera juste car je ne suis pas trait bonne en anglais , mais si je peut aidé je le fait volontiers .  

En revoir .

Explications :

Voici une réponse possible :

Jeremiah : "Dad, I've been studying Chemistry for a few months now. I wanted to show you how it's contributing to Uganda's economy."

Father : "Go on."

Jeremiah : "Well, for example, did you know that Uganda has a pharmaceutical industry that produces essential medicines? These medicines are made possible by chemical reactions and are sold locally and exported to other countries, generating revenue for our country."

Father : "That's impressive. What else?"

Jeremiah : "Another example is the production of plastics. Chemicals are used to produce plastics, which are used in packaging materials and household items. This not only creates jobs but also contributes to the country's GDP."

Father : "Wow, I had no idea Chemistry played such a crucial role in our economy. You're really making me proud!"

Jeremiah : "Thank you, Dad! I'm glad I could show you how Chemistry is contributing to Uganda's economy."

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