Website Statistics Exercice 2 page 93 workbook 3e lets step in Svp

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a- If I had enough money, I would buy a RPG

b- If I were sporty, I wouldn't spend so much time on my computer.

c- My friends and I would  play all day long if our parents aggreed.

d- If a mummy attacked the hero, he would burn it.

e- If I were a kinght, i would defeat all the villains

ON a affaire ici au conditionnel 2

if + past simple -----------------------------------------would  + Base Verbale

if + I were (et non I was) = structure hypothétique


les conditionnels anglais

conditionel 0

if + présent ----------------------------------->present

conditionnel 1

if + present------------------------------------> wil + Base Verbale

conditionnel 2

if + past -------------------------------------------> would + BV

conditionnal 3

if + past perfect -----------------------> would have + participe passé du verbe


bonne journée☺☺☺

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