Website Statistics Exercice 1 Complétez à laide dun superlatif 1 My dad is 2 Whales are 3 Mice are 4 My bedroom is 5 I am 6 For me Japanese is 7 That was 8 My sister 9 My grandmot

Exercice 1: Complétez à l'aide d'un superlatif: 1. My dad is 2. Whales are 3. Mice are 4. My bedroom is 5. I am 6. For me, Japanese is 7. That was 8. My sister 9. My grandmother is 10. That is 11. 12. What's 13. Spain is 14. What's dad in the world. (funny) animals in the world. (heavy) animals in the world. (cute) room in my house. (comfortable) cook in the world. (bad) language to learn. (difficult) film I've ever seen. (sad) is person I know. (tidy) person in my family. (old) book I've ever read. (strange) I've ever travelled is from London to San Francisco. (far animal in your country? (dangerou country in Europe. (sunny) place you've ever visited? (ho​

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1. My dad is the funniest dad in the world. (funny)

2. Whales are the heaviest animals in the world. (heavy)

3. Mice are the cutest animals in the world. (cute)

4. My bedroom is the most confortable room in my house. (comfortable)

5. I am the worst cook in the world. (bad)

6. For me, Japanese is the most difficult language to learn. (difficult)

7. That was the saddest film I've ever seen. (sad)

8. My sister is  the tidiest person I know. (tidy)

9. My grandmother is the oldest person in my family. (old)

10. That is  the strangest book I've ever read. (strange)

11. The farthest (ou furthest)I've ever travelled is from London to San Francisco. (far)

12. What's the most dangerous animal in your country? (dangerous)

13. Spain is the sunniest country in Europe. (sunny)

14. What's  the hottest place you've ever visited? (hot)


adjectifs longs

the most + adjectif

adjjectifs courts

the + adjectif + -est

en -y = + -est

on double la consonne quand le verbe se termine pas consonne/voyelle/consonne


good = the best

bad = the worst

far = the farther ou the further


bonne journée ☺☺☺

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