Website Statistics II Complete the YESNo questions and the answers with the preterit of BE1No he2Blackbeard Spanishhehis enemies frightenedBritishIIIComplete the WH questions and

II. Complete the YES/No questions and the answers with the preterit of BE.
No, he
Blackbeard Spanish?
his enemies frightened?
III-Complete the WH questions and answer with the preterit of BE.
1. When
.he born?
2. What
.......his first job?
3. Who...
....... his enemies?

Répondre :


Bonsoir, en espérant vous avoir aidé!

Réponse :

  • Was he a pirate?

No, he wasn't.

  • Was Blackbeard Spanish?

No, he wasn't.

  • Were his enemies frightened?

Yes, they were.

  • Were his enemies British?

Yes, they were.

  • When was he born?

He was born in 1680.

  • What was his first job?

His first job was a sailor.

  • Who were his enemies?

His enemies were the British Navy.

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