Website Statistics je dois présenter un objet en anglais PlayStation 10 explique ce que tu peux faire avec utilise la leçon Can cant

Répondre :


salut I can play video games on my plaStation 10 . i can watch youtube on my Playstation 10

i can Talk with my friends on my PlayStation 10

i can't call the police on my PlayStation 10

i can't create a 3d design on my PlayStation 10

and finally i can't drink water on my PlayStation 10



Réponse :

With a Playstation :

I can have a lot of fun.

I can play games

I can't cook food

I can watch movies  

I can't do my homework

I can connect with friends

I can't make it rain

I  can download games  

I can't travel through time

I can listen to music  

I can't build a spaceship


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