Website Statistics In the bag1 Explique ce que tes amis faisaient quand tu es arrivée au parcgriz now bensqquillba John play football hen amp annived soen was playing footballb To

In the bag.
1 Explique ce que tes amis faisaient quand tu es arrivé(e) au parc.
griz now bensqquill.b
a. John / play football. →hen & annived soen was playing football
b. Tom and Kate/listen to music. → when carrived Tom and Kate wadina benzło
c. Sarah/read.→ when i senised Sanah was neaching...
.9mod br
gɔiloq grit of
2 Conjugue les verbes au prétérit simple ou au prétérit en be+ BV-ing.
a. When I (go)..going... out this morning, it (ra. ...….….….….….….…..
b. They (do)
their homework when I (arrive) ...
01 2J6w 89M
to the cinema when she (see)...................... the accident. 19 nodw
c. She (go)............
d. When I (find)......................her, she (sleep)
in the garden!

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